星期日, 12月 19, 2004

[vocabulary] 幾個單字

讀 93.12.3 日 聯合報 生活英語單元
淡大英語系副教授 郭岱宗


cirumvent 抑制

subtle 細膩
profound 有深度
descriptive 描述生動的

superiority complext 優越感
inferiority complex 自卑感

grouchy 暴躁的 => upset
snobbish 勢利的 => bad.
frugal 節儉的 <=> kind

水上芭蕾 synchronized swimming
高空彈跳 bungee jumping
跆拳道 taekwondo
相撲 sumo wresting
wrest 扭
曲解事實 之意


1. A rich vocabulary is neccessary to proper expression in any language--withoug it, you can
hardly be subtle or profound (細膩 有深度之意)

2. Unfortunately most of you miss the most precise and descriptive words. If you take sports and expercise as an example, you'll find that you only know words such as " boxing" ."swimming".. and so on. ,while you should be taught more, precise vocabulary such as "synchronized swimming" , "fiqure skating"( 花式溜冰) "taekwondo", "bungee jumping", "sumo wresting".
Precision is one of the delights of any language, a lack of precise vocaulary circumvent complete expression.

3. For the vocabulary related to "people", "superiority complex", "inferiority complex", "grouchy", "snobbish", "frugal",etc , should also learned in addition to "good", "bad", "kind".

4. There's also very strict speed learning,but I can't squeeze everything into this column.
嚴格的速度訓練, 要留待下次在談 (不能硬塞在本文之內)


【物】 (政府官員等收取的)不正當傭金
【物】 (東方僕人索要的)小費
【物】 (中間商的)回扣
squeeze a lemon (dry) 榨(乾)檸檬
【棒球】 搶分得(分),使(跪壘員)搶分得分
【人】 【俚】 搞同性戀的男子

