星期三, 6月 11, 2014

Google 觸角延伸,合夥「 +Pool 」計畫,提供「the +Pool Dashboard 」大數據展示平台

Google 觸角延伸,合夥「+Pool」計畫,提供大數據展示。

1.一項由家居設計公司PlayLab提出的kickstarter計畫,預計提供紐約市民免費的浮動泳池 並每天換水50萬加崙,預計2016完工。

natural filtration system that could clean up to half a million gallons of river water each day.

When complete, +Pool will give New Yorkers a clean place to swim, with a natural filtration system that could clean up to half a million gallons of river water each day. The sustainable project from architectural firm Family and design office PlayLab could be complete by 2016, according to the Huffington Post.

2.Google也參與其中,推出「the +Pool Dashboard」展示平台。將先前透過sensor蒐集並傳輸Google Drive中,再藉由展示平台。告訴所有人游泳池的使用狀況。 architecture 的範例,有點跟倫敦(Azure Intelligent Systems Service) 展示的狀況類似。

更多實景圖 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/06/floating-pool-google_n_5454898.html

+Pool Dashboard 網站:http://dashboard.pluspool.org/