星期二, 11月 29, 2005

[高清] 再度看完will hunter

1. Somebody just can do thing that you can't ,(or vice versa).
Find out what can you do better than other.
It's part of philosophy of "minus".
2. also ,spent as much time as you could on thing you really care.
3. Knowing some body will and always be better than you , Don't be afraid of being over ahead.
4. You are small and less important. World will still round with/without you.
it's positive to remind that. Do not always try to save the world.
btw, No.4129 Fugi Apple tastes good. Pick the orange with thin skin.
Have enough food is ok , try to enrich you own mind.
Read as much as you can.
Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams are good singers,
Kitaro temp your heart.
It's just can't be much futher.
Life is so , Life is good.
